Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Cutting of the Tannenbaum

We love the tradition of cutting our own Christmas tree. We have done this every year since our marriage started. This year we cut one at the Murphy sheep farm. Keith actually had a scheme to help him cut this tree for posts. He and Carolyn sheepishly grin as they tell us of the tree they picked out for us. Note the large tree below.

Here we are after our Thanksgiving feast. The Murphy's have been non-traditional this year. We had soup and sandwiches for our main dinner. Wrapped up and ready for our adventure. Last year Matt and the kids trekked out with out me and Aiden as Aiden was only a week old. We got our tree later last year.

Addie happy to cheese, but I can't get her to look at the camera.

Corbin loves to run from me when I pull out the camera these days. But I still caught him.

Have to wear the orange around here when you head out in the woods. Hunters ...

So staring Elmer Fud
 While yesterday was beautiful and nice. Today was cold and windy. Too cold for Aiden to be hiking out, so we took the truck up the road. Grandma and grandpa on the tailgate.

The five of us in the truck.
 My little blueberry (who ironically is allergic to blueberries)

yes, here is the huge tree I was talking about. Keith is currently trying to finish fencing the top field and had this plan that Matt could cut this tree for our Christmas tree! The top would be ours and the rest he could use for his posts. Well, beggars can't be choosy.
 Here it is on the tree line.

The men discussing how to fell the tree.

Matt and I picked our mark to cut

Matt comes up for air while whacking away.

Addie was bored of this entertainment and walked the field. Here her and grandma were walking around the fence line.

Warm back in the house. This is the usual scene. Men and children cozy women up and down with kids and looking after food.

Here is my blueberry up close.

so happy to be snacking.

yeah! he shakes his head and laughs
Happy Thanksgiving! Bring on my first birthday!

1 comment:

ginmommy said...

What a cute post! I especially love the Elmer Fud reference! Tee hee.