Friday, March 14, 2014

Taking the Stage, Bring on the Lights

This little girl willingly jumps in the spotlight if she thinks anyone will listen to her sing or dance. 

Adaline was in three programs this winter. The first was very small at our CBS group. 

Here she is a donkey saying a line about being at the scene of Jesus' birth.

They sang songs and quoted the scriptures that they have been learning.

 She even danced across the back of the stage. This was not planned by the director but nothing was stopping Addie. The older ladies at the bible study were so taken by Addie and her flare for the stage. They loved seeing her twirl and be all happy to be up there. It made their day. Of course I was braced and mortified that she had taken upon herself to add to the show.

I got very few pictures of Adaline at our church program. They practiced for months but Addie was in the back corner and I could hardly see her. So disappointing.

Here she is with the red bow.

The play was adorable and the kids did great with their lines. Just wish I could have seen Addie better in the choir.

Adaline also had a show at her preschool, but we were at the play for my birthday. She went with another family from our church who also attend Noah's Ark Preschool. Adaline loved being with her friends and being on stage one more time.

Here are Adaline's teachers Miss Haley and Mrs. Miller. I am so proud of Adaline. She knows all of her letters by sound and sight. She can write them all and is even starting to write words. She will be reading this year for sure. I cannot believe she will be going to Kindergarten this fall and riding the bus with Corbin.

Random lunch photo with my two little ones.

Matt and I decided to have a family night out for Christmas. We took the kids to the Mega Caverns and saw the lights. They were so excited to be riding in the car with the windows down and see all the twinkle lights dancing to the Christmas music.

Afterwards we went to Texas Roadhouse, redeemed our free dinners through the library reading program. Corbin ate so much peanuts and bread that he didn't eat any of his dinner.


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