Saturday, December 4, 2010

My new post and everything!

Merry Christmas, I will try and be a little better than I have been over the last, what, six months?!
I have read the last few entries on many of you and life keeps moving at a break neck speed, huh? A little update for the Murphy family:
We are madly trying to get the house all holified, presents for the first half of the month engagements (went to black Friday for the second time!), going to the Winter Wonder Slam tonight to celebrate Adam and I's Birthdays, I will be making some graduate/licensing decisions this month as my teacher license expires this spring.
Adaline has grown and grown! She is so tall and long that she is in sizes 2T and 3T at age 18months. She is such a chatter bug and talks happily to anyone who listens or even just to herself. She is such a girl; loves to hold babies and purses. She can't keep her hands off the Christmas tree. She has already smashed an ornament against the wall. She loves to draw, keep your pens and pencils out of sight.
Corbin is doing great at preschool and loves going to class, at least after he is out of bed, dressed and ready to deal with the fact that we have to get started with our day. His Indian name for this Thanksgiving was "Mighty Bear". He must be doing some of that roaring at school. He has such a kind heart and loves on his little sister often.
Well, off to the concert!


Tracey said...

Yea!! Welcome back. :) I can't wait to see the house all decorated and your awesome Christmas dinner!!!!! I've missed your posts.

ginmommy said...

I wondered who this was...tee hee...welcome back, now keep up with it!! I miss seeing what's going on in your life. ;-)