Thursday, December 18, 2008


Does this look like the face of a 31 year old woman? Well, today is the day I have to roll the year over. Matt made me breakfast and I was able to just relax in the tub this morning, although prego belly makes some movement a little challenging. :)
I think back to what my mother was like at my new age. She had two children: myself-12, Adam-10, and a baby less than a year. She did some babysitting at home for a little extra money and took care of the lot of us.
Wow! I can't imagine having a 12 and 10 yr old right now. It just shows how old I'll be when my children get older.
Life is great! God is so good and always provides what you need when you need it.

sept 2008

Sept 2008

Dec 2008

New years 2003

Sept 2008


Jami said...

Happy Birthday!!!

ginmommy said...

Happy Birthday melanie!! You look great :)

Tracey said...

Happy birthday to you!!! ;) Yes, that looks like the face of a young 31 year old! I hope you enjoyed your day!